This project lays the groundwork for improving interventions for caregivers of children with asthma by gaining in-depth understanding of the psychological and social factors that shape the decision making process that caregivers use to care for their children with asthma. This project will help provide evidence-based behavioral strategies to improve the lives of 6.2 million children who are affected by asthma.

Below are several resources that we have developed based on the first stage of our research. They include video summaries of our research for caregivers, children, and health care providers, a comprehensive report of our findings, and brief 1-page summaries of our findings for caregivers and physicians.

If you would like additional information about the study, please contact me at

Video Summaries of Findings

For Caregivers

For Children

For Healthcare Providers

Written Summaries of Findings

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Not Breathing Easy: “Disarticulated Homework” in Asthma Management

Guidelines for Conducting Virtual Cognitive Interviews During a Pandemic

Situating household management of children’s asthma in the context of social, economic, and environmental injustice. Please email Dr. Waters at if you would like a copy of this article